I have about 20 or so PnP's, including the Star Wars one you speak of. They also have a Star Wars one that looks like Yoda's head, and a C3P0 one as well. Never have played most of them, including those. Most of them, I pick up for $2-$4 at charity thrifts. I even have a NIB Pirates of the Caribbean I found at GW for $2 some time back.
I think my favorite PnP's are the 80's arcade ones. I love my Space Invaders one that also has Qix, Phoenix, Colony 7, and one other that escapes me at the moment.
I also love my Namco ones for Galaga and all the Pac Man versions. I especially love a game called Super Pac Man.
The most important thing I have noticed about PnP's is to be sure to take out the batteries when not playing them for extended periods, for obvious reasons. I only wish that they had a universal A/C adapter port in all of them so I could use a single power supply on all of them without having to unscrew the battery door every time I want to play.