I may have posted on this before. I cannot remember, and a brief perusal of the forums turned up nothing that looked familiar.
Who on these forums would like to see classic Atari, Intellivision, Colecovision, etc. games available for live multi-player online play? Think about it. 2600 Combat, if you don't have a live person who will oblige to play with you at home, then you are out of luck. What if some highly intelligent programmer were to come up with a way for us all to link our Intellivision (Vectrex, Astrocade, etc.) consoles up to the net and play against other classic gamers? Would this be of any interest to you?
Unfortunately, many early home video games required two players. Combat, Slot Racers, INTV Baseball, INTV Football, and many more I am forgetting.
Would this take more than just an internet interface for 2600, Colecovision, 5200, etc. consoles? I am guessing the game ROM's would have to be modified to allow for this, but it is not out of the question.
I am thinking that so many older gamers would buy in to this it would have almost no possibility of failure.
Any thoughts?
Who on these forums would like to see classic Atari, Intellivision, Colecovision, etc. games available for live multi-player online play? Think about it. 2600 Combat, if you don't have a live person who will oblige to play with you at home, then you are out of luck. What if some highly intelligent programmer were to come up with a way for us all to link our Intellivision (Vectrex, Astrocade, etc.) consoles up to the net and play against other classic gamers? Would this be of any interest to you?
Unfortunately, many early home video games required two players. Combat, Slot Racers, INTV Baseball, INTV Football, and many more I am forgetting.
Would this take more than just an internet interface for 2600, Colecovision, 5200, etc. consoles? I am guessing the game ROM's would have to be modified to allow for this, but it is not out of the question.
I am thinking that so many older gamers would buy in to this it would have almost no possibility of failure.
Any thoughts?