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1Scandinavians? Empty Scandinavians? Wed 06 Aug 2014, 2:51 pm



Any Scandinavian Intellivision owners out there...?  Suspect 

At least in Sweden the Inty did pretty well for while:
Scandinavians? K7JLEea
"More than 15.000 sold" it says in this old ad.

Intymike and intylab like this post

2Scandinavians? Empty Re: Scandinavians? Thu 07 Aug 2014, 9:08 am



Cool. I don't know how well the system did overall in Europe but good to see it did well at least in one country! Smile

3Scandinavians? Empty Re: Scandinavians? Thu 21 Aug 2014, 3:01 pm


Star Fighter
Star Fighter

Never knew either. Great advertisement!

4Scandinavians? Empty Re: Scandinavians? Sat 23 Sep 2017, 6:54 am



Hi, here's one new Intellivision owner from Scandinavia, Finland Smile
I'm 42 years old man and never had or played with Intellivision until few days ago when I purchased a used but working one. It doesn't have it's original box or instruction manual but has all necessary cables to make it work. Downloaded an English manual from internet. It even has the TV-Game switchbox with it. I have 9 games for it and all of them work. Some needed a bit of plugging in & out few times to make them work, I guess the contacts could use some cleaning.
Here's a pic of my Intellivision:
Scandinavians? 37260706891_12ee12b143_b

The games I have for it are:
1. Utopia
2. Basketball
3. Advanced Dungeons & Dragons
4. Loco Motion
5. Truckin'
6. Lock'n Chase
7. USCF Chess
8. Hockey
9. Space Battle

Some of those games have Finnish instruction manual, others just English. Hockey game has both.

The seller of this unit told this one is from 1981. At the time we had only a Conic TV-game, a Pong clone and later got those home computers, Salora Manager (known elsewhere as Vtech Laser 2001), Commodore 64c and Commodore Amiga 500. I still have the Salora and Amiga 500 but sold the C-64 in 1991.
It was only in 1999 when I got my next actual videogame console, namely the original Sony Playstation which I still have and in 2009 got the PS3 Slim which I also still have.

The reason why I wanted Intellivision was that some of it's games were used in Knight Rider tv-series, for example in episode "Nobody Does It Better" they played Space Battle even they called it "Space Cadet". Knight Rider was my favourite TV-show as a kid and still I like watching it Smile

I have no idea how popular system Intellivision was here in Finland. At the time I didn't know anyone who had Intellivision. Some had Philips Videopac and later in the 80's Commodore 64 became the most popular system but of course it was real computer and not just a videogame console, even most people used it just for gaming.

Intymike and intylab like this post

5Scandinavians? Empty Re: Scandinavians? Sat 23 Sep 2017, 11:40 am



Hi and welcome aboard! I am a big fan of Knight Rider also. Glad you got into the Intellivision. There are some fun games among those you got there. Smile

6Scandinavians? Empty Re: Scandinavians? Wed 04 Oct 2017, 10:49 am



Fintellivision wrote:Hi, here's one new Intellivision owner from Scandinavia, Finland Smile
I'm 42 years old man and never had or played with Intellivision until few days ago when I purchased a used but working one. It doesn't have it's original box or instruction manual but has all necessary cables to make it work. Downloaded an English manual from internet. It even has the TV-Game switchbox with it. I have 9 games for it and all of them work. Some needed a bit of plugging in & out few times to make them work, I guess the contacts could use some cleaning.
Here's a pic of my Intellivision:
Scandinavians? 37260706891_12ee12b143_b

The games I have for it are:
1. Utopia
2. Basketball
3. Advanced Dungeons & Dragons
4. Loco Motion
5. Truckin'
6. Lock'n Chase
7. USCF Chess
8. Hockey
9. Space Battle

Some of those games have Finnish instruction manual, others just English. Hockey game has both.

The seller of this unit told this one is from 1981. At the time we had only a Conic TV-game, a Pong clone and later got those home computers, Salora Manager (known elsewhere as Vtech Laser 2001), Commodore 64c and Commodore Amiga 500. I still have the Salora and Amiga 500 but sold the C-64 in 1991.
It was only in 1999 when I got my next actual videogame console, namely the original Sony Playstation which I still have and in 2009 got the PS3 Slim which I also still have.

The reason why I wanted Intellivision was that some of it's games were used in Knight Rider tv-series, for example in episode "Nobody Does It Better" they played Space Battle even they called it "Space Cadet". Knight Rider was my favourite TV-show as a kid and still I like watching it Smile

I have no idea how popular system Intellivision was here in Finland. At the time I didn't know anyone who had Intellivision. Some had Philips Videopac and later in the 80's Commodore 64 became the most popular system but of course it was real computer and not just a videogame console, even most people used it just for gaming.
cool! Finnish manuals! In case you are willing to sell them or to trade, send me a PM! Seriously, no kidding!

All the games you have but Hockey and Chess are very nice.

Pratar du bara finska eller svenska också?

7Scandinavians? Empty Re: Scandinavians? Wed 04 Oct 2017, 1:10 pm



Thanks for the interest but I want to keep the games with original manuals and layouts Smile
My native language is Finnish and secondly English. My Swedish is unfortunately almost non existing.
Searched for the Finnish import company mentioned in the game instructions but it seems to be long gone by now. It was Sound Electronics Inc. in Helsinki, Finland.

8Scandinavians? Empty Finnish Manuals Sat 13 Mar 2021, 10:16 am

Steve Jones


Could you post photos or scans of your Finnish manuals, I'd like to see them.
I have managed to luck into over 20 Swedish manuals which are quite hard to find here
but have never seen Finnish ones. Thanks, and welcome.

9Scandinavians? Empty Re: Scandinavians? Tue 16 Mar 2021, 5:31 am



Does any of you Scandinavian guys has by any chance a PAL INTV System III for sale?
As far as I know this variant was only on sale in the Scandinavian region and it would be a nice addition to my collection.

10Scandinavians? Empty Re: Scandinavians? Mon 28 Mar 2022, 6:03 am



Steve Jones wrote:Could you post photos or scans of your Finnish manuals, I'd like to see them.
I have managed to luck into over 20 Swedish manuals which are quite hard to find here
but have never seen Finnish ones.  Thanks, and welcome.
Hope this little "preview" works, one page from pdf scan I did from Advanced Dungeons & Dragons game.
I don't have Finnish manuals for every game though.
Basically they are just black & white papers with text and some images, not as fancy as the original English manuals.
Scandinavians? Int_ad10

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