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Nintendo Power magazine ends by years end!

3 posters

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Star Fighter
Star Fighter

I am sure some have heard by now that Nintendo Power is done as a published magazine. The last issue is the December issue. When I first heard it made me think back to all the other magazines that are now defunct. Maybe it hit harder with NP because they have been around for so long.

Any thoughts or comments?



I obviously knew about this magazine, but by the time it came around, I was in my mid 20's and it always seemed "childish" if you know what I am saying. Did it offer many codes, tips, and tricks?


Star Fighter
Star Fighter

The middle year issues seem to have more hints and tips. I bought most of my Nintendo Power issues with-in the last few years. I did a subscription years ago when the kids sold magazines for school to raise funds.

I did suscribe to Sega Visions and GamePro back in the early 90's.

I guess it reminds me of the Crash when the magazines could not sustain on computer coverge alone.


Star Fighter
Star Fighter

Just got last issue. Sorry for the glare. It is still in the plastic wrap.
Nintendo Power magazine ends by years end! Np_las10



I gave up on Nintendo Power magazine in 1996, shortly after they finished hyping the Virtual Boy. I've still got a lot of the originals in a bin somewhere. During the 8-bit years, it was awesome! Somewhere along the way during the SNES years, I lost interest.

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