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1Segagaga   Empty Segagaga Fri 20 Jul 2012, 11:16 pm



Just wondering if anyone heard of this later release for Dreamcast. Unfortunately, it was a Japan-only release, but the reviews I have read sound promising. Basically, it was started as a parody of the last days of Sega before they cancelled Dreamcast and went software only. The Sega programmer actually worked secretively on the game for large spells in fear of losing his job. In it, there are several mini games where you fight evil DOGMA (Sony) corporation to prevent a hostile takeover of Sega Corp. Am told it plays like an RPG in spots, but there is a youtube video I have seen of the final level and it is a shmup where you shoot various Sega characters and letters while flying through space. I am not sure what the last boss is though. Someone began work on an English language translation, but never heard where it is at. Here's hoping...

2Segagaga   Empty Re: Segagaga Mon 23 Jul 2012, 12:10 am


Star Fighter
Star Fighter

I have heard of the name but you have cleared up some of the mystery sloan.

Sounds like my kind of game!

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