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Some of my PSX titles

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1Some of my PSX titles Empty Some of my PSX titles Sat 14 Jul 2012, 5:07 pm



I estimate my collection to be somewhere around 600 distinct game titles. Here are some pictures for starters.

Some of my PSX titles PSX005

Some of my PSX titles PSX004

Some of my PSX titles PSX003

Some of my PSX titles PSX002

Some of my PSX titles PSX001

2Some of my PSX titles Empty Re: Some of my PSX titles Sat 14 Jul 2012, 10:14 pm


Star Fighter
Star Fighter

Impressive! Most Impressive.

I have the Beast Wars for the PC and thought it could be better. Is the Playstation version any better?

I bought the N64 Beast Wars understanding it was different yet. But it still didn't play very well.

Is Nuclear Strike similar to Soviet Strike?

Missle Command really surprised me. I think it is a very fun game.

Nice! Hope to see more!

3Some of my PSX titles Empty Re: Some of my PSX titles Sat 14 Jul 2012, 11:16 pm



You know, I am way more of a collector than a player in my older years. I don't think I have ever played Beast Wars. That is sad. Nuclear Strike was possibly the sequel to Soviet Strike, as it was released by the same company. In the next week, I will get off my lazy butt and post some more from my PSX collection.

4Some of my PSX titles Empty Re: Some of my PSX titles Sat 14 Jul 2012, 11:19 pm


Star Fighter
Star Fighter

Can't wait! I am the same way. Road Rash 3-D sounds good also.


5Some of my PSX titles Empty Re: Some of my PSX titles Sat 14 Jul 2012, 11:22 pm



I am secretly building inventory to open a retro gaming store some day. Maybe...

6Some of my PSX titles Empty Re: Some of my PSX titles Sat 14 Jul 2012, 11:24 pm


Star Fighter
Star Fighter

That would be awesome!

7Some of my PSX titles Empty Re: Some of my PSX titles Sun 15 Jul 2012, 3:39 pm



..only if I can make decent money at it.

8Some of my PSX titles Empty Re: Some of my PSX titles Sun 15 Jul 2012, 7:11 pm


Star Fighter
Star Fighter

It seems like some spots are really thriving. You just need to pick your spot wisely or else start out by selling online.

9Some of my PSX titles Empty Re: Some of my PSX titles Sun 15 Jul 2012, 8:17 pm



How do I know where will thrive and where won't? I keep tossing it over in my mind, and my wife is skeptical as to the success rate, but I may just have to do it someday to see.

10Some of my PSX titles Empty Re: Some of my PSX titles Sun 15 Jul 2012, 8:47 pm



That is a nice collection! Good luck with the idea of a retro gaming store. Hopefully you can make it a reality. It is a good thing that your wife is supportive of you!

11Some of my PSX titles Empty Re: Some of my PSX titles Mon 16 Jul 2012, 10:00 am


Star Fighter
Star Fighter

I wanted to start a game store back in the early 90's. We were all into board and card games.

Too many of my friends liked the idea but when it came down to it they weren't very good in the support department. It was always negative this and negative that.

So I shelved the idea.

Check your area real well to see if there is a market. If not in your area maybe you could run it out of a family or friends home or garage area.

Didn't Apple start out in a garage?

Maybe try out 2 or 3 days a week. Like at the end of the week and into the weekend.

Friend and I tried to start an internet store but we kept having supply issues.
But you seem to be well stocked.

Hope this helps even a little?

12Some of my PSX titles Empty Re: Some of my PSX titles Mon 16 Jul 2012, 10:09 am



I don't know about Apple, but I know that Microsoft started in a garage. Smile

If a local store becomes impractical, there is always the internet. The logistics are easier to handle and an online "showroom" should be easier to maintain. The good thing is that there are options.

13Some of my PSX titles Empty Re: Some of my PSX titles Mon 16 Jul 2012, 5:54 pm



onthinice wrote:I wanted to start a game store back in the early 90's. We were all into board and card games.
Friend and I tried to start an internet store but we kept having supply issues.
But you seem to be well stocked.

Hope this helps even a little?

This is where I'm at: Yes, I have lots of inventory to start, but how will I maintain that? Most used game shops I know of that are even somewhat successful also deal in used DVD's, music CD's and what not.They seem to have a healthy trade-in program whereby they always come out on top of the deal and maintain good inventory. I have built massive inventory hitting thrifts. yard sales, and pawn shops hard and often. Once I am "married" to my new venture, where will the time come from to do these restocking runs.

Also, being a collector, I am not sure I want to use my personal items for inventory. I think it might difficult for me to separate the business from my hobby, if you see what I'm saying.

14Some of my PSX titles Empty Re: Some of my PSX titles Mon 16 Jul 2012, 7:30 pm


Star Fighter
Star Fighter

I understand. That was the problem we faced keeping inventory up and not adding to our collections out of that same inventory.

Sometimes I wonder if you can sell something better if you have no interest in the product other than selling it. I prefer to deal with people who care about what they sell but I understand it is a business.

I like TrekMD's idea about using the internet.

For the restocking runs it might be a way for you to get your wife or family involved.

Maybe you should list the pros and cons of it. I think if your heart and soul are into it. You will find a way to make it happen.

15Some of my PSX titles Empty Re: Some of my PSX titles Tue 17 Jul 2012, 7:29 pm


Star Fighter
Star Fighter

sloan do you ever collect loose PS one discs or only complete titles?

16Some of my PSX titles Empty Re: Some of my PSX titles Tue 17 Jul 2012, 8:21 pm



Only complete titles, unless they are really rare. Many of my thrift store finds are complete, but the cases are cracked or hinges are broken. Thankfully K-Mart still sells replacement old-style (thicker) CD jewel cases in 10-packs. Most of my collection has had the jewel cases replaced and look minty new.

If only some company were to make and sell replacement large jewel cases for Sega CD and Saturn games...

17Some of my PSX titles Empty Re: Some of my PSX titles Wed 18 Jul 2012, 5:02 am


Star Fighter
Star Fighter

I have several Sega CD and Saturn cases that could use replacements also.

Do you have many long box Playstation games?

18Some of my PSX titles Empty Re: Some of my PSX titles Fri 20 Jul 2012, 11:40 pm



I have about 10 longbox PS1 games. They are far more rare and I pick them up whenever I come across them. Do you have many PS1 longboxes?

19Some of my PSX titles Empty Re: Some of my PSX titles Sat 21 Jul 2012, 12:10 pm


Star Fighter
Star Fighter

Only one! I never see them except for online sales.

20Some of my PSX titles Empty Re: Some of my PSX titles Mon 24 Feb 2020, 11:31 am



Was Intellivision Lives for PlayStation 1 any good? I was going to give it a try on Retroarch but I haven't been successful getting it to work yet.

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