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Stocking up on CRT's

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1Stocking up on CRT's Empty Stocking up on CRT's Sat 16 Jun 2012, 4:37 pm



Is it wise?

I was at a charity thrift today and they had two Sony Trinitron 36" CRT's for $50 each. Both had all the hookups, component, composite, RF, and s-video. I couldn't help but think I should grab these and store them for later use.

Thing is, I already have 3 CRT's, though no Sony's, and not much room, so these would have to be stored in my somewhat humid basement.

Any thoughts? Anyone else that has stocked up on high end CRT's for later use?

2Stocking up on CRT's Empty Re: Stocking up on CRT's Sun 17 Jun 2012, 1:23 pm



I got rid of any I had 3 to 4 years ago, I should of kept one to play Duck Hunt on my NES though.....

3Stocking up on CRT's Empty Re: Stocking up on CRT's Mon 18 Jun 2012, 12:47 am



Have you ever seen the movie Slackers? There is a scene in there where they visit a guy with a wall of about 20 TVs. He says - "You can never have too many TVs man!" I tend to agree.

However, if you aren't averse to scrapping, you should be able to find plenty of old TVs via Craigslist and at the curb in any apartment complex on a move out weekend. Old TV's are running $10 to $30 at our local Goodwills. If you've got the room, they might not be a bad thing to have!

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