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Tell me about the Colecovision

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1Tell me about the Colecovision Empty Tell me about the Colecovision Wed 18 Jan 2012, 11:50 am



Well, I grew up an Atari kid. I discovered the Inty and loved it. The Inty does not have arcade ports worth a darn, but it's games make you THINK. I was a nerdy child, and I would have enjoyed more thinking games. I think the Atari had maybe 5 truly in-depth games. The joy the Intellivision has brought to me in my later years has made me wish I knew about it in my younger years. As someone who lives on solar power, the old game systems are going to be my bread and butter; they are all very low power draw.

One day I hope to be able to afford a Colecovision and some games, but until then I want to hear from others who have one.... what will I be looking forward to?

2Tell me about the Colecovision Empty Re: Tell me about the Colecovision Wed 18 Jan 2012, 12:23 pm



I never had a Colecovision until just a few years ago. I played some growing up. I like it and you should get one for sure!

GREAT arcade ports of course and great graphics. An awesome Homebrew scene...What else is there to say?

3Tell me about the Colecovision Empty Re: Tell me about the Colecovision Wed 18 Jan 2012, 12:45 pm



I have a Colecovision but hardly play it. It does have some great titles though. But mine does have some sound issues so that may be a reason i don't play it much. I do think even it didn't have problems i'd be playing the Intellivision and 2600 instead.

Burgertime is great as long as you don't encounter the freeze glitch.
Turbo with the Steering wheel is awesome.
Centipede is unique looking, but i think it has a glitchy spider and not as fast the 2600 version.
Slither is a cool shooter like Centipede with the Roller Controller but you may want to mute the game, the sounds can get annoying after a while.
Squish em Sam is a underrated classic.
Cabbage Patch Kids is a simple fun game
Can't remember what Defender looked like but i thought it was a good port.
People brag about Mr. Do
Of course DK and DK jr are great. Some people say they were better on the 7800 though.
I want to get Frenzy, Pit Stop, Jumpan jr., Tutankham, Front Line, and a few others. Just need to to get the sound issue fixed. But i'm afraid it could cost more than just getting another system.

I'm not saying the Colecovision is a bad system, it's pretty good. But i do think it's overrated with all the hype it gets. Maybe one day i'll change my mind. Like i said there are some great games and some exclusives.

This has been the point of view of someone who grew up with an Intellivision. Wink

4Tell me about the Colecovision Empty Re: Tell me about the Colecovision Wed 18 Jan 2012, 11:59 pm



It depends. Your sound issue could just be a bad capacitor.

5Tell me about the Colecovision Empty Re: Tell me about the Colecovision Mon 19 Mar 2012, 12:56 am



If you get a coleco I suggest getting one from Yurkie on AA. He does awesome work and his composite a/v, pause, and ball knob controllers look like they are stock. I love my coleco and have started to get a few great games Space Fury and Mouse Trap are my favorites so far.

6Tell me about the Colecovision Empty Re: Tell me about the Colecovision Tue 20 Mar 2012, 11:55 pm



I would be happy to look at your CV man.

7Tell me about the Colecovision Empty Re: Tell me about the Colecovision Wed 21 Mar 2012, 12:17 am



Yurkie, maybe I asked you before, About how much to add A/V?

8Tell me about the Colecovision Empty Re: Tell me about the Colecovision Wed 21 Mar 2012, 12:22 am



Yurkie wrote:I would be happy to look at your CV man.

Maybe someday. Right now i'm broker than broke. geek

9Tell me about the Colecovision Empty Re: Tell me about the Colecovision Wed 21 Mar 2012, 12:53 am



I tried to send you a PM revolutionika, but I don't think it worked.

10Tell me about the Colecovision Empty Re: Tell me about the Colecovision Wed 21 Mar 2012, 8:36 am


When I was young I had an Atari 2600 and many games...
I saw an ad about a guy looking for game partner...
we met, I was 12-14, he was probably around 35-40
really nice, we had a lot of fun
played a lot of game and he had the new Colecovision
which was so wow for me....
we met on a weekly basis
and it was funny because his kids who where my age were not interesting in videogames
of course when I explained that to my parents they were scared that the guy wanted to play with another "joystick" than the plastic one...
and he took a lot of time before they were reassured.... Razz

11Tell me about the Colecovision Empty Re: Tell me about the Colecovision Sat 31 Mar 2012, 1:15 pm



I know Yurkie does excellent work, and appreciate the need to make some cash, but will say that I have done work on systems/controllers for other forum members as a favor to fellow gamers, especially those in low-cash situations. Obviously, there is need to pay for replacement parts, but I never charge for my labor to a gamer in need.

12Tell me about the Colecovision Empty Re: Tell me about the Colecovision Tue 03 Apr 2012, 12:30 pm



Wow. This topic exploded while I was ignorant. It turns out Colecovisions are a bit beyond my price range. I presently have posted on AA seeing if I can trade straight across for an Amiga 500 w AV card and several games as well as transfer cable to make disks from PC disk images. If any of you fine folks know someone interested in the NTSC Amiga, send them my way.

13Tell me about the Colecovision Empty Re: Tell me about the Colecovision Wed 11 Jul 2012, 12:17 pm


Star Fighter
Star Fighter

Most of my Coleco problems were with the power supply. So I recommend the floor brick. I believe they are mostly from Canadian Colecovisions and they do show up on ebay from time to time.

Games I would try are B.C.'s Quest for Tires, Frogger, Keystone Kapers, Miner 2049, Pepper II, Popeye and Q*bert

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