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How difficult to mod my Xbox?

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1How difficult to mod my Xbox? Empty How difficult to mod my Xbox? Mon 02 Apr 2012, 1:18 pm



I've been thinking about it or awhile, but is it easy like a software install, or massive soldering and modification on the hardware side. I am looking at making one into an all-inclusive retro gaming machine. Maybe there is an online tutorial that someone could point me to?

2How difficult to mod my Xbox? Empty Re: How difficult to mod my Xbox? Mon 07 May 2012, 4:33 pm



This : has been the gospel for me since '03

I know little about soft mods but I always did a full mod
There a few, very few mod chips still around, and if your console is a later version (1.6) that takes a little more work as well

There is a member on there that did chip install for me for $50 (25 for chip/25 install), I had him do it as I no longer have a programmer, and its crazy cheap

I can send you a link for the Auto Installer software, it's real easy and sets up your new dashboard, has all of the apps and emulators

I now have 3 original xboxes modded all running XBMC and full emulator packages and love it

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