I've gotten in a little practice creating Twitch streams, and I want to start live-streaming Intellivision. I can stream my whole Portable Development Environment, but that requires 720p resolution, and I would like 60fps. My current upload speed is only 24Mbps, and that fluctuates during peak usage hours. The alternative is to stream one game at a time with the resolution turned down to 360p, and with commercial games I only need 20fps. Due to bandwidth fluctuations, I'm recording only my voice and no video.
First, I want to know what streaming times each of you would recommend so you can tune in. Second, for those of you who have Twitch accounts, it would help if you followed my Channel, IntyLab. Last night, I recorded a 15-minute stream of a demo of FUBAR. I was going to stream a two-hour session early this morning, but speedtest was reporting crappy bandwidth.
First, I want to know what streaming times each of you would recommend so you can tune in. Second, for those of you who have Twitch accounts, it would help if you followed my Channel, IntyLab. Last night, I recorded a 15-minute stream of a demo of FUBAR. I was going to stream a two-hour session early this morning, but speedtest was reporting crappy bandwidth.