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Earliest C=64 Memories

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1Earliest C=64 Memories Empty Earliest C=64 Memories Mon 24 Feb 2020, 10:03 am



I didn't have a Commodore 64 growing up, but I knew a number of people who did. The first time I got myself a C=64 was after I bought the Commodore 64 15-Pack by Activision for Windows 95. The games were fantastic, but the emulator was terrible. I ended up buying a better emulator for DOS called C64S, and migrated the ROM images. That was actually where I first played Beamrider, before I knew it existed for Intellivision.

I never did finish Hacker, but I came very close before I timed out and was caught. Only recently did a coworker tell me that the trick is to manipulate the time of day to buy a little extra time. My favorite title in the bunch was Portal, a sort of Hypertext adventure story from 1986. I wouldn't mind reading through that again.

Today, I keep a couple emulators installed on my old tablet and fire up Castle Wolfenstein from time to time. I'm not very good at it, but I love it anyway.

2Earliest C=64 Memories Empty Re: Earliest C=64 Memories Tue 25 Feb 2020, 5:00 pm



Oh the Commodore... it was not my first system, but it was the first system I truly loved. The sound chip alone... lots of C64 music can still set my blood pumping... in fact if I am gonna play a modern day multiplayer FPS, I shut down their pathetic orchestrated crap and turn on Slay Radio or have random play from my "BestSids" folder going.

On that note... who the fuck was the idiot that decided orchestral crap was the way to go for those games? Rock, Metal, techno.. hell even Hip Hop (though I'd mute it) are all far better for the genre.

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3Earliest C=64 Memories Empty Re: Earliest C=64 Memories Thu 24 Mar 2022, 6:56 am



VictorZiblis wrote:On that note... who the fuck was the idiot that decided orchestral crap was the way to go for those games?  Rock, Metal, techno.. hell even Hip Hop (though I'd mute it) are all far better for the genre.

Depends on the game. About the only modern FPS I'll touch is Zombies in Call of Duty: Black Ops II. That doesn't have much in the way of music, except for the Easter Egg involving the teddy bears.

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