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Playcable missing chip?

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1Playcable missing chip? Empty Playcable missing chip? Sat 23 Sep 2017, 10:26 am



I have a big doubt looking inside my Playcable. There is a red empty socket (sorrounded by a red rectangle in the picture), is there any missing chip? I never plugged it into my Inty, I want to be sure that there is nothing missing.

It seems that the MCM411XXXXX chips are RAM, the the empty socket could be firmware?

Thank you for you help. Smile
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2Playcable missing chip? Empty Re: Playcable missing chip? Wed 02 May 2018, 4:55 am



I'd say it's a general instrument rom chip, 40 pin, 10 bit similar to the exec chip. It would have the code to build the titlescreen and menu. I think it would also handle the address and bus decoding for the ram chips. My guess is that if you pluggd this into an Intellivision you would get a black screen. If it were complete I think you would get a standard exec titlescreen and nothing more.

Are there five mcm4116 ram chips? That would be 80k bits or 8k x 10 bits.

3Playcable missing chip? Empty Re: Playcable missing chip? Wed 02 May 2018, 4:34 pm



With or without the chip. The Playcable is without use nowadays.

4Playcable missing chip? Empty Re: Playcable missing chip? Fri 04 May 2018, 6:23 am



You should plug it in and see what it does; we could be wrong about the rom chip. I think most of the code for building the menu and the music is downloaded anyway.

I'm not much of a collector, would a collector pay more for one that produces the initital titlescreen over one that doesn't.

5Playcable missing chip? Empty Re: Playcable missing chip? Sat 05 May 2018, 12:41 pm



mrme wrote:My guess is that if you pluggd this into an Intellivision you would get a black screen.
Yes, blank screen, the missing chip is the main controller.

mrme wrote:
Are there five mcm4116 ram chips? That would be 80k bits or 8k x 10 bits.
Yes, there are.

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