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Android Emulator

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1Android Emulator Empty Android Emulator Sun 25 Jun 2017, 2:18 pm


Please forgive a Newbie question or if this is not the right forum or website. I love the old Intellivision games I grew up with. I'm looking to run them on my android phone and tablet. I ran across JZINTV but am unsure what other files I need to download/transfer, what director all of the files go in, etc. I think you have to get exec.bin and grom.bin plus a game bin. Somewhere on the 'net it said to place those files in the same directory JZINTV resides...but on the phone I cannot find that directory. It's installed. I just don;t know where. Would someone be so kind as to post step-by-step instructions for me. Thank you so very much!

2Android Emulator Empty Re: Android Emulator Mon 26 Jun 2017, 8:27 pm



Hmm, I have not tried the emulator on my phone. I'd have to check. Seems peculiar you'd have to install the binaries in the same spot as the app itself on the phone.

3Android Emulator Empty Re: Android Emulator Tue 01 May 2018, 4:56 pm



Are you running jzintv4droid. You will need exec.bin, grom.bin, game rom files and in some cases a cfg file that goes along with the game rom file. You can place the game rom files in any folder you like e.g. sdcard. A copy of both exec.bin and grom.bin is required in that folder.

Note that jzintv4droid is a little different than jzintv for PC so the same instructions don't apply.

4Android Emulator Empty Re: Android Emulator Tue 25 Feb 2020, 10:08 am



jzintv4droid is the easiest option for Android.  You can get it from the Google Play store.  You just have to have the grom.bin and exec.bin files (along with ecs.bin for ECS games) in the same folder you try to launch a game from.  Games can be in .rom format or .bin+.cfg format.

The only disadvantages with jzintv4droid are based on the fact it's a fork of an earlier version of jzintv, so Ms. Pac-Man doesn't work, and it also doesn't support JLP titles.  Although you might not care, the emulated ECS keyboard echoes an equal sign if you try to input a plus sign, so don't bother trying to write ECS BASIC code in it.

The best solution is to do what I did: set up a Linux environment with an X server, and compile and run the latest version of jzintv in there.  It was made to be a full-blown development environment, so it might be a bit intimidating, but I created full documentation to help you set it all up if you're interested.

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