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Street Fighter X Tekken

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1Street Fighter X Tekken Empty Street Fighter X Tekken Sun 18 Mar 2012, 2:43 pm



Street Fighter X Tekken has been building hype and momentum for over a year and is finally out and ready for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 owners! Probably one of Capcom’s most ambitious titles in the fighting game franchise – STxTK has seen hype in the form of comedic videos and panels from the game designers behind both Street Fighter (Yoshinori Ono) and Tekken (Katsuhiro Harada), a monthly series of videos called ‘X The Line‘ (hosted by Andrea Rene), and a week-long reality/competition show called ‘Cross Assault‘.

Street Fighter X Tekken has much promise – the ability to mix up your favorite Street Fighter or Tekken character to fight two-on-two matches, a refined fighting mechanic and straight up crazy additions like Cross Assault and Pandora which may fall more into the gimmicky category then anything else. The new ‘Gem System’ is probably the most talked about of the new mechanics – which is meant to enhance the players abilities to perform special moves and balance new gamers into the mix. Our biggest complaint with the Gems thus far is that as a spectator sport – it’s extremely difficult to know what Gems are stocked into the characters and what they’re actually doing (or not doing) during gameplay.

Street Fighter X Tekken is only a week old and like other titles in the Capcom library will MOST LIKELY receive patches, updates and fixes to things that are currently hailed as ‘broken’. We’ve witnessed ‘infinite combos’ (players trapped in the corner), overly powerful characters like Rufus, Hugo and Rolento and the lack of online support for ‘Scramble Mode’ (4 vs 4 players). In many ways it feels like the retail release of this game is still in ‘beta’ and we expect updates to come to balance things out over the year as Capcom has done before with Street Fighter IV and Marvel Vs Capcom 3.

At the end of the day Street Fighter X Tekken will most likely see two camps of people: It’s fast, fun and addicting to most gamers out there but drops the ball as the ‘next’ in line for a champion crown in the competitive tournament circuit. Most eSports enthusiasts like myself will most likely have to wait for the 2.0 updated version of Street Fighter X Tekken before we’re satisfied and ready to watch the game in high level competition tournaments like EVO2K and beyond.

We’ve provided some select gameplay from Street Fighter X Tekken and will continue to cover the game and events as things progress during the year!

Related Videos:

Yoshinori Ono & Seth Killian Interviews

Street Fighter X Tekken Paul & Law Gameplay Arcade Mode

Street Fighter X Tekken Guile & Abel Gameplay Arcade Mode

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