Backstory: I was looking through craigslist garage sale ads, and was looking for movie collections, and a guy had posted his Intellivision collection up for sale. He said it had about 30 games with it. I looked at the one picture he had with it and it looked like lots of the games were in their original I was interested. I know nothing about Intellivision, but kinda like all video games; I decided to take a shot. I met him at his house, and he just said that he was moving out of his brother's house and that the system powered up, but he couldn't get the picture to work. I said, no worries as I would see if I could get it to work. He had the system with original instruction manual for it, a cover for the system, and all of his games were in their boxes with manuals for each one. He was a guy about 55-60ish.
Other than that, I really don't have any other info. Any info on this game is greatly appreciated. What is the rarity of it in today's market, and what might the value be? I can't seem to find very much in the form of recently sold on ebay. Thanks!
Other than that, I really don't have any other info. Any info on this game is greatly appreciated. What is the rarity of it in today's market, and what might the value be? I can't seem to find very much in the form of recently sold on ebay. Thanks!