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Inty Letterpress v0.9

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1Inty Letterpress v0.9 Empty Inty Letterpress v0.9 Wed 28 Jan 2015, 2:30 pm

First Spear

Hey all. For programmers that are interested in placing text on an Intellivision screen in a non-ROM font, a beta of my tool  Inty Letterpress might be of some use.

The program lets a user enter text with TrueType fonts and then save the output as a simple .BMP file that can be converted into tiles with tools like IntyColor. Text items can be saved and manipulated in bulk and previewed in Intv pallette colors to give an idea of how the output will look when it his the Intellivision.

Hope it helps someone who needs it. Enjoy.

2Inty Letterpress v0.9 Empty Re: Inty Letterpress v0.9 Thu 29 Jan 2015, 5:50 pm



That's cool. Smile

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