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Collection for sale or trade?

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1Collection for sale or trade? Empty Collection for sale or trade? Fri 09 Jan 2015, 3:00 am




-----Colecovision Games-----

*All These 1982-1984 30 year old games are IN BOX! Complete w/manuals + overlays.
Buy more games for less. Make an Offer.

Centipede = $25
Jumpman Junior = $25
Looping = $30
Ladybug = $35
BurgerTime = $35
Donkey Kong Jr = $35
Carnival = $35
Venture = $25
Buck ROgers =$50
Frogger II = $50
Zaxxon = $35
Pepper II = $35
QBert = $25
Super Action FootBall = $20
Frontline = $50
Star Wars = $50
Dam Busters = $35
Miner 2049er : 1983 Game of the Year = $50


-----Colecovision Bare Carts-----

Slither = $15
Donkey Kong =$15
Turbo = $10
Mouse Trap = $10


-----Colecovision Extra Goodies-----

Colecovision Super Action Controllers + Rocky + SA Football + SA Baseball= $100
Colecovision steering wheel w/pedal + PITSTOP! = $100
Colecovision Rollercontroller w/cables + Victory! = $100


-----Atari Console-----

Atari 2600 Console Combo w/2 controllers/apple RF/power + your pick ($50) = $150


-----Atari Games-----

*All These games are In Box Complete w/overlays.
Buy more games for less. Make an offer.

Planet Patrol = $40
Trickshot = $20
Baseball = $15
Video Olymics = $35
AIr Sea Battle = $20
circus = $15
Video Pinball = $20
Chopper Command = $30
Super Challenge Footbal = $20
Blackjack = $20
Grand Prix = $25
Missle Command = $20
Decathlon = $25
Donkey Kong = $25
Demon Attack = $20
Combat = $15


-----Atari Bare Carts-----
Star Raiders = $5
Missle Command = $10
Plaque Attack = $10
Sky Diver = $10
Asteroid =$10


------Atari Extra Goodies-----

Extra Controllers =


-----Intellivision Console-----

Intellivision #1 Console Combo w/2 controllers/NIN RF/power + your pick ($50) = $150
Intellivision #2 Console Combo w/2 controllers/NIN RF/power + your pick ($50) = $150


-----Intellivision Games-----

*All These games are In Box Complete w/overlays.
Buy more games for less. Make an offer.

Volleyball = $15
Lock N Chase = 30 (3 available.)
SNAFU = $30
Star Strike = $20 (2 available.)
super pro football intellivision = $25
Math Fun = $15
Auto Racing = $15
Bowling = $10
World Champsionship Baseball = $15
Tennis = $10
NBA Basketball = $10
NHL Hockey = $15
Triple Action = $15
NFL Football = $10
NASL Soccer = $25 (2 Available.)
World Cup Soccer = $
Backgammon = $20
Boxing = $15 (2 available.)
Astroasmash = $15
Auto Racing = $20
Championship tennis = $20
Space Armada = $20
Space Battle = $15
Skiing = $15
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons = $25
Night Stalker = $15


-----Intellivision Extra Goodies------

Extra Controllers =


----NES Games----

*All these games are used bare.
Buy more for less. Make an offer.

Dragon Warrior = $10
Contra = $20
Othello = $10
Tetris = $10
Duck Tales = $10
Mario Bros / Duck Hunt = $10
Zelda II The adventure of Link GOLD = $25


------n64 Console----

N64 console combo = $100 w/2 controller/a/v/power and your pick = 100


-----N64 Games-----

*All these games are used Bare.
Buy more for less. Make an offer.

Banjo Kazooie = $15
Diddy Kong Racing = $15
south Park Rally = $10
Forsaken = $10
Blast Corps = $15
1080 = $10
Wave Race = $10
Quest 64 = $20
Goldeneye 007 = $25


-----PS1 Consoles-----

Playstation 1 Console Combo w/2 controllers/power + Metal Gear Solid = $20


-----Playstation Extra Goodies-----

Extra Controllers =
Playstation 4 Player Controller Hub = $10


------Playstation 2 Games------

*All games In Box complete w/manuals.

Spiderman 2 = $10
Smackdown vs Ram 2008 = $10
Gran Turismo 3 = $10
The Lord of the Rings TROTK = $10
Onimusha = $10
God of War = $10
God of War = $10
Super Car = $10
Sly3 = $10
The Getaway = $10
Star Wars Battlefront = $10


-------Misc. Gaming Stuff--------

1983-4 10 Vintage Video Game Magazines = $20

Nintendo Powerglove = $100 Complete Open Box

Playstation PSP Go system Great Condition w/ usb/headphone + 2GB Card = $100

198?s "Commander Video" Mirrored Glass Picture = $20


2Collection for sale or trade? Empty Re: Collection for sale or trade? Fri 09 Jan 2015, 3:08 am



Looking to trade for:
None of this has to be boxed, but I wont say no to it and manuals, papers etc.etc.
Armatron or Mobile Armatron. Working non battery death goo, thanks.
Hot Wheels tracksets, older non-lame sets.
Robotech Mecha, especially jets and scotts bike suit.
Transformers, Aerial bots/superion, shockwave or radio shack equiv. Decepticon jets.
AFX/Tomy tracksets. Especially GI JOE or Transformers set.
Star Wars, The falcon, xwing, tie fighter, ATAT, not the newest junk.
GI JOE, not 12 inch, anything up to the dreadnoks, no futher... especially tanks/jets/helicopters.
Mini Stand up Arcades, ie. donkey kong, zaxxon, dk jr, etc. etc. BOXED WILL GET REWARDED!

3Collection for sale or trade? Empty Re: Collection for sale or trade? Fri 09 Jan 2015, 8:11 am



Thats alot of stuff! Ill go through my lists...

4Collection for sale or trade? Empty Re: Collection for sale or trade? Sun 25 Jan 2015, 9:25 pm



ColecoVision boxed games still available?

5Collection for sale or trade? Empty Re: Collection for sale or trade? Wed 18 Feb 2015, 9:22 pm



yup, although I have the super action, rollercontroller and steering wheel up for auction with victory, frontline, super action football/baseball, and rocky. If someone wants any of these Ill pull the auction.

6Collection for sale or trade? Empty Re: Collection for sale or trade? Thu 19 Feb 2015, 7:44 am


edit....meant to send PM...

7Collection for sale or trade? Empty Re: Collection for sale or trade? Tue 02 Jun 2015, 5:50 pm



Check your PMs. I sent you another one. Got paid today.

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