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E.T Excavation Documentary 'Atari: Game Over' Official Trailer

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Back in April excavators successfully unearthed an urban legend after digging at Atari's legendary landfill site. Not only was the team behind the upcoming documentary Atari: Game Over able to locate numerous copies of E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial underground, but also countless other 2600 games and accessories. Since this discovery, the documentary seems to be making good progress as an all new trailer for the upcoming film has been released.

As dull as a documentary on digging may sound, Atari: Game Over covers all aspects of the history behind this gaming legend from interviews with the game's designer and various key figures at Atari, to a retrospective look at the companies rise to fame. This also includes various snippets, scans, footage and other unseen assets from the Atari archives, many of which will no doubt have any retro gamer's curiosity piqued.

According to the documentary's trailer, Atari: Game Over is due to be released later this year in Autumn digitally at

Source:  RetroCollect

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