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Hello from Sweden

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1Hello from Sweden Empty Hello from Sweden Fri 18 Jul 2014, 2:35 pm



My first console was an InTv System III which got for christmas in 1985 or 86. I still have it (with the joysticks) and play from time to time.

My first homegame experiences was on friends computers; Texas Instruments 99/4A and Commodore 64 in the early 80:s

When I got my Intellivision most of my friends had a Commodore 64 and my Intellivision could not quite compete with that apart from a few of games.
That was "Tower Of Doom", "Atlantis" and "Tennis".

I must say that "Tennis" still holds up. It is really fun and still a hit at my "retro game-nights" with the Intellivision.

It´s great that newer versions are coming out, I alway had the feeling that the full potential of the graphics did not always come out in those days.

In 1988 i bought a Commodore 128D which I sold a couple of years later and got a Commodore Amiga 500.
I sold that when the Amiga 1200 was about to be released with the intention of buying one but I never did.

The Intellivision however stayed, and I am really glad that I kept it!

My plans are to expand my game collection for the Intellivision ( Pac-Man, Utopia, Thunder Castle, Burger Time and the new Donkey Kong are the titles I am most interested in right now) and also buying a Commodore 64 or 128 and an Amiga 500.

EDIT: And an ECS Keyboard and Synthesizer and the homebrew Christmas Carol vs. The Ghost of Christmas Presents Smile


Great that the Intellivision Lives!


When looking for an Inty forum I first came across (where I have the same introduction...) and later this forum. And then to my surprise I found out about the Inty-thread on AtariAge that seems to be the dominant forum for Intellivision... WTF? (pardon my french)
Well, I´m sticking to this and .us  Smile 

2Hello from Sweden Empty Re: Hello from Sweden Fri 18 Jul 2014, 8:12 pm



Welcome aboard! It's cool you still have your original Intellivision III. I didn't get into Intellivision until a few years ago when D2K Arcade was released. I just knew I had to play the game and got an Intellivision II. I always liked the look of that console.

I have always been surprised that most Inty talk goes in Atari Age despite there being two Inty forums. Let's hope more people come here and make this the Inty hub. Smile

3Hello from Sweden Empty Re: Hello from Sweden Thu 21 Aug 2014, 3:08 pm


Star Fighter
Star Fighter

Hello and Welcome!

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