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Printing repro labels, boxes, overlays, etc.

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Just me, or has anyone else considered printing professional quality repro game materials?

I have a local printer in my town, and have thought about hitting them up regarding cost to print and die cut boxes, labels (preglued of course), controller overlays, clamshell liners, etc. My thought is that there may be some interest within the classic game collecting hobby for these items.

The main drawback is most likely going to be minimum quantities. I remember a while back when a guy was selling end labels for N64, Jaguar, and 32X game cartridges. He obviously had access to a die cut printing and gluing process.

One other item: Do any of the original publishers hold copyrights to these materials, and might they be even slightly interested in going after a video game hobbyist?



I wouldn't mind having Jaguar overlays professionally done. There are games that did not have any overlays that have fan-made designs. I've printed them using color laser on cardstock but that's not the same as having them professionally done. There also are some Activision games that could use new labels to fix the glue problem going through the labels. Heck, the 7800 Activision games need real labels with art!



I would think that to do Jaguar overlays properly, they should be done in a thin plastic film. I wonder how many print shops could handle that? Also, in looking at the overlays I have for Jaguar games, they all have raised bumps over the various number pad buttons. I would venture to say they could not do that, but most likely would still function well without those. Thinking of it, I am missing the marine overlay for my copy of Alien vs. Predator.



Since I use the flat overlays I've made on cardstock on a laser printer to play, I can tell you they don't need to be raised to work. I think they did that to help make them more tactile during games. While definitely nice, it's not 100% necessary.


Star Fighter
Star Fighter

Never anything high quality. I printed a few scans for some of my 5200 titles, used them in cracked/broken Sega Master/Genesis cases.

I think it would be nice idea. Wish I had more space to display boxed items.

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