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Was NBA Jam the Pac Man of the 90's?

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1Was NBA Jam the Pac Man of the 90's? Empty Was NBA Jam the Pac Man of the 90's? Tue 15 Oct 2013, 9:40 pm



Similar to how Pac Man/Ms. Pac Man ported to basically every 80's game console, NBA Jam did the same in the 90's (and even 2000's for that matter). Take a look:

And I don't even think this is all the home ports that came out. I still stand by my claim that the Jaguar version was the closest to arcade of any home port I ever played.

2Was NBA Jam the Pac Man of the 90's? Empty Re: Was NBA Jam the Pac Man of the 90's? Sat 19 Oct 2013, 3:55 pm



These videos are always cool to watch but they are not usually complete. Looks like this game is one of those with a lot of ports to home systems but it doesn't seem to be as many as Pac-Man.

3Was NBA Jam the Pac Man of the 90's? Empty Re: Was NBA Jam the Pac Man of the 90's? Sun 20 Oct 2013, 10:38 pm



Yeah, probably not as many console ports as Pac Man, but it still seems to have been the old stand by for many systems trying to gain credibility during that era. Much like Pac Man 'validating' 80's consoles. Jaguar and 32X both had ports and were marginal systems as far as popularity went. Likewise, 5200 and 7800 both had Pac Man (Ms. in case of 7800) ports and were marginal systems popularity-wise as well. Also, kind of ironic that Midway was involved with NBA Jam and Ms. Pac Man (Jr. Pac Man too).

4Was NBA Jam the Pac Man of the 90's? Empty Re: Was NBA Jam the Pac Man of the 90's? Sat 14 Dec 2013, 12:27 pm


Star Fighter
Star Fighter

Yes, it seems like to me. The NBA Jam engine was used for the College Slam series as well. Those titles could be added to the list, it is the same game just college teams.

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