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Could Colecovision do vector graphics?

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1Could Colecovision do vector graphics? Empty Could Colecovision do vector graphics? Fri 27 Sep 2013, 11:32 pm



If so, then games like Battlezone and Tempest would be possible on it in arcade likeness. I know that Star Wars Arcade saw a CV port, but have not played it. My guess is that is does faux vector graphics, almost how 5200 did Star Wars Arcade.

Maybe Vectrex is the only console that could truly do vector graphics at home?



My understand is that because of how vector graphics are drawn, true vectors can only be done in a screen designed for that purpose. Hence, the Vectrex is the only console available to do real vector graphics. Anything else just simulates vector graphics. So, the ColecoVision should be able to simulate vectors similarly to something like the 5200, would by my guess.

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