This thread is aimed more at older video game players. What is the earliest memory of video games from your childhood? Growing up in the states, I distinctly remember pong consoles from the mid 70's, followed by Atari VCS in late 1977. What I am curious, especially since this forum attracts an international crowd, is when did video games and consoles hit big in Europe and South America? Was it CBS Colecovision in Europe? 2600 pirate clones in Brazil? Intellivision in UK?
I posted this on another forum, but the site admin thought it fit better combined with an existing thread. I thought the question and intent got lost in the mix, so I re-post it here in hopes of getting some good responses.
I posted this on another forum, but the site admin thought it fit better combined with an existing thread. I thought the question and intent got lost in the mix, so I re-post it here in hopes of getting some good responses.