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1attrition   Empty attrition Wed 17 Apr 2013, 7:52 pm



I got to thinking about current upward spiral in retro game prices. I go to ebay and look up a given game and there might be 2-3 pages of auctions, mostly starting in the $10-$20 range. Many are BIN auctions, and in my estimation, demand does not equate to the current asking prices. So I got to thinking that as the years go by and older retro game consoles die natural deaths, will the existing population of available games possibly lower in price? For instance, if the current ration of game 'x' is 2:1 in relation to remaining consoles in the general population, and ebay auctions are asking $10-$20 per game, will those sellers finally wise up and lower their asking prices when that ration becomes 3:1 or 4:1? It just has to happen that over time those pages of ebay auctions for game 'x' will expand from 2-3 pages to 5-6. At that time, will the market continue to sustain the $10-$20 prices being asked? Over-supply versus lower demand would seem to support my theory. Any thoughts on this?

2attrition   Empty Re: attrition Wed 17 Apr 2013, 11:33 pm



to be honest i dont know why the prices are jumping up so high.

3attrition   Empty Re: attrition Mon 22 Apr 2013, 9:48 pm


Star Fighter
Star Fighter

Cool Devastator! Have you seen the Combaticons or Stunticons?

I keep thinking these multi-carts, flash carts and Everdrives would lower prices. Sometimes it seems that cross collectors come into play also.

Someone who collects G.I. Joe, Star Wars or Transformers might want games just for display. I have a cousin who is big on Hot Wheels only, but he thought it was cool that I had the game for the N64.

4attrition   Empty Re: attrition Mon 22 Apr 2013, 10:19 pm



There are a couple Hot Wheels racer games for PSX that are actually quite fun. I will have to look for the N64 version now.

5attrition   Empty Re: attrition Tue 23 Apr 2013, 5:46 am


Star Fighter
Star Fighter

It might be the same as one of the PSX games.

I had a friend who called a few video game stores about selling Playstation and Xbox games for his mom. The stores said "If you are giving them away we will take them". My friend replied I would rather toss them in the trash.

Locally the game shops are not doing well. Knowing these stores they would have sold the games on-line after jacking the price up.

Back to the story, when asked about the games, I only heard PC games being mentioned. Not in need of more computer games I told him my space was limited. So he tossed the games, not sure how many went for garbage pick-up.

6attrition   Empty Re: attrition Tue 23 Apr 2013, 9:56 pm



onthinice wrote:So he tossed the games, not sure how many went for garbage pick-up.

Shocked Mad No

If, as you said, local game stores are having a hard time, then maybe that's why they offered your friend nada? I have had ideas about starting my own game store, but the difficult economy always brings me back to reality.

7attrition   Empty Re: attrition Fri 26 Apr 2013, 10:47 am


Star Fighter
Star Fighter

Bigger stores like GameStop seem to be thriving. The stores I mentioned deal with everything from 2600 to 360/PSIII. Plus, some older computer games like the Texas Instruments cartridges and Atari Computers.

The stores are in two separate towns, two stores in each town. They are trying to drive the other out, but seems like they are only hurting each other. Now a GameStop came into one of the towns allowing for even more choices of newer used games.

Funny part is, a brother and his brother-in-law own the smaller stores. The brother sold both stores to his brother-in-law. Then I heard he was stiffed on the payments so he opened two new stores to drive his brother-in-law under.

Hope that helps explain thing better Smile

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