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who woulda thought...

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1who woulda thought... Empty who woulda thought... Thu 13 Dec 2012, 6:38 pm



..that a composite A/V mod would make such a difference. I bought a Yurkie modded CV a while back, and didn't expect the composite A/V to make that much of a difference to me. Well, I was surprised at how nice it is to play Colecovision without the video 'noise' present with RF. It has, in fact, persuaded me to buy composite mod kits for INTV and 2600 as well. I ordered them off ebay this week and will probably be doing those mods on my own soon. The video with composite output is so clear I could not resist.

2who woulda thought... Empty Re: who woulda thought... Thu 20 Dec 2012, 1:52 pm


Star Fighter
Star Fighter

What Colecovision games have you been playing sloan?

3who woulda thought... Empty Re: who woulda thought... Fri 21 Dec 2012, 9:58 am



That's cool. I haven't done any mods on my systems but I took care of the signal "noise" by using a signal booster. It worked wonders and the games look crisp and clear as they never had before.

4who woulda thought... Empty Re: who woulda thought... Fri 21 Dec 2012, 5:34 pm



onthinice wrote:What Colecovision games have you been playing sloan?

Picked up a couple Collectorvision homebrews: Lock 'n Chase and Bugs 'n Bots. Great games. The Lock 'n Chase is the closest port to arcade I have seen on a home console.

Bugs 'n Bots is a game that reminds me a little of Dash Galaxy on NES. Basically, you run around computer rooms grabbing discs, all while avoiding bots that roam back and forth.

5who woulda thought... Empty Re: who woulda thought... Fri 21 Dec 2012, 11:09 pm


Star Fighter
Star Fighter

Sounds like some fun games. I remember getting Lock 'n Chase before Pac-Man on the 2600. Thought it was a very good version. Good to know a better one exists. Bugs 'n bots sounds interesting also. Thanks sloan!

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