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Does condition matter?

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1Does condition matter? Empty Does condition matter? Wed 12 Dec 2012, 7:08 pm



I picked up a copy of 2600 Cosmic Commuter today at a used game shop for $8. Considering that it regularly goes for above the $20 mark on ebay, I snagged it even though the label is a little faded and peeling.

This got me wondering if others are willing to plug less than perfect examples into their collections until better ones come along, or if you insist on perfection or nothing at all.

2Does condition matter? Empty Re: Does condition matter? Thu 13 Dec 2012, 10:58 am


Star Fighter
Star Fighter

Nice find sloan! If it is a game I want then condition does not matter. Activision games are hard to find used in good shape. Label wise. Parker Brothers is another one that I have had to choose over wanting the game with a ripped label or not at all.

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