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Splitting a game collection between two homes

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I have never seen this addressed on any of the gaming forums. My wife and I own two homes, and I am a big game collector. Problem is when we visit our country home, there are no games or systems there. I have thought of possibly splitting my collection between both places, but am not so sure how to go about it. Do I take entire system/game subsets to the other home (what if I want to play some of those in our main home?), or do I merely take duplicate consoles and games to the country home? One issue is that our country home has been broken into at one point and a 2600 Vader console was taken among other items. I have since upped the locks and security, but is it worth the risk?

Any thoughts or ideas?


Star Fighter
Star Fighter

What is your favorite console?

I see someone released a new Sega Genesis clone. It plays actual Genesis games. It looks small and portable.

Friend of mine has a Playstation mini with attached screen. I have seen them for the GameCube and Xbox. Attached screens for those systems. You could play those in the car or RV on the way to your other house if you drove.



I would say only bring the systems & games you wouldn't be overly upset losing. Reason being that you'll never REALLY know if things are 100% safe at all times if they're in a second location. When I was a kid, we had a cabin in Wisconsin. My dad bought a used go-cart and decided that it would be "just fine" to leave it in the basement for the Winter. Needless to say, we never rode that go-cart again and my childhood was never the same. Very Happy



Jasberly wrote:I would say only bring the systems & games you wouldn't be overly upset losing. Reason being that you'll never REALLY know if things are 100% safe at all times if they're in a second location. When I was a kid, we had a cabin in Wisconsin. My dad bought a used go-cart and decided that it would be "just fine" to leave it in the basement for the Winter. Needless to say, we never rode that go-cart again and my childhood was never the same. Very Happy

Did the go-kart get lifted from the premises? Crying or Very sad

That's what I fear at my 2nd home because we aren't there that much. I have resigned myself to maybe taking some duplicate systems/games there, but nothing too valuable, mainly out of concerns for security of the home. Funny thing is we lived there, way out in the country, for 15 years and didn't even lock the doors at night. Since we moved away for my job 6 years ago, our son lived in the home for a while, but now no one is there. I think even in the country there are dishonest types who 'case' properties where they notice no one is living at.



Unfortunately, yes... The basement was broken into and the go-cart was lifted. Crying or Very sad My storage unit in my "security" building was broken into last year. They took some empty suitcases, recording gear, etc. I didn't realize I had a copy of INTV's Stadium Mud Buggies down there (which they didn't get, Thank God!). And no, I don't keep any rare games down there any longer! I love all of my systems and I honestly would be devastated if any of them were stolen. So, whenever I travel, I break out the portable systems that I seldom have time to play everyday.

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