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Atari 2600 Prototype Games List

3 posters

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1Atari 2600 Prototype Games List Empty Atari 2600 Prototype Games List Thu 19 Jan 2012, 6:11 pm



Game Publisher
A Mysterious Thief Vidco
A-Team Atari
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Mystery M-Network
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Treasure of Tarmin M-Network
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons M-Network
Adventures of the Pink Panther Probe 2000
Alligator People 20th Century Fox
Anteater M-Network
Aquaventure Atari
[edit] B
Games Publisher
Bionic Breakthrough Atari
Boggle Atari
Bouncing Baby Bunnies Telesys
[edit] C
Game Publisher
Care Bears Parker Brothers
Cabbage Patch Kids Coleco
[edit] D
Games Publisher
Donald Duck's Speedboat Atari
Dumbo's Flying Circus Atari
[edit] F
Games Publisher
Fall Guy 20th Century Fox
Funky Fish UA Limited
[edit] G
Games Publisher
Garfield Atari
Good Luck, Charlie Brown Atari
Grover's Music Maker Atari
[edit] I
Games Publisher
Immies & Aggies Zimag/Emag/VidCo
In Search of the Golden Skull M-Network
Incredible Hulk Parker Brothers
Intuition Tigervision
Ixion Sega
[edit] K
Games Publisher
Kabobber Activision
Kreuzfeuer Spectravision
Kyphus Apollo
[edit] L
Games Publisher
Lasercade 20th Century Fox
Locomotion M-Network
Lord of the Rings: Journey to Rivendell Parker Brothers
[edit] M
Games Publisher
Mark of the Mole Atari
McDonald's Parker Brothers
Meltdown 20th Century Fox
Miss Piggy's Wedding Atari
Monster Cise Atari
[edit] P
Games Publisher
Peekaboo Atari
Planet of the Apes 20th Century Fox
Pompeii Apollo
[edit] R
Games Publisher
Racer Roklan
Rocky and Bullwinkle M-Network
[edit] S
Games Publisher
Save Mary Atari
Shooting Arcade Atari
Sinistar Atari
Six Pack 20th Century Fox
Sky Patrol Imagic
Snow White Atari
Squoosh Apollo
Star Wars Return Of The Jedi: Ewok Adventure Parker Brothers
Super Crush Tigervision
Surf's Up Amiga
Swordfight M-Network
Swordquest: Airworld Atari
[edit] T
Games Publisher
Tempest Atari
The Entity 20th Century Fox
Thwocker Activision
[edit] V
Games Publisher
Venetian Blinds Demo Activision
[edit] W
Games Publisher
Wizard Atari
[edit] X
Games Publisher

2Atari 2600 Prototype Games List Empty Re: Atari 2600 Prototype Games List Sat 21 Jan 2012, 1:27 pm



pointless musings on the list:

isn't A-Team just Saboteur re-skinned?

There is no way the DnD games coulda been made on the 2600. It just doesn't have the hardware chops.

Aquaventure's on my flashback 2 and lots of fun, actually!

Kabobber's on some of the Activision Anthology collections... the GBA version of that's crap. The games run slowly. That said, Kabobber's kinda crappy also.

Save Mary's also on that flashback unit I have. Passes the time nicely but is just.. meh.

Ewok Adventure: I have that!

Thwocker was also on the Activision Anthology, but I can;t remember it.

Xevious: I can only wish. That game's way better than I had thought! Did it come out on any of the classic systems?

3Atari 2600 Prototype Games List Empty Re: Atari 2600 Prototype Games List Sat 21 Jan 2012, 4:54 pm



i love that GBA activision collection, and yeah, there are some duds on it!!

you have ewok adventure prototype or a limited cart release or something?

4Atari 2600 Prototype Games List Empty Re: Atari 2600 Prototype Games List Sun 22 Jan 2012, 10:21 am



A repro.

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