Game Publisher
A Mysterious Thief Vidco
A-Team Atari
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Mystery M-Network
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Treasure of Tarmin M-Network
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons M-Network
Adventures of the Pink Panther Probe 2000
Alligator People 20th Century Fox
Anteater M-Network
Aquaventure Atari
[edit] B
Games Publisher
Bionic Breakthrough Atari
Boggle Atari
Bouncing Baby Bunnies Telesys
[edit] C
Game Publisher
Care Bears Parker Brothers
Cabbage Patch Kids Coleco
[edit] D
Games Publisher
Donald Duck's Speedboat Atari
Dumbo's Flying Circus Atari
[edit] F
Games Publisher
Fall Guy 20th Century Fox
Funky Fish UA Limited
[edit] G
Games Publisher
Garfield Atari
Good Luck, Charlie Brown Atari
Grover's Music Maker Atari
[edit] I
Games Publisher
Immies & Aggies Zimag/Emag/VidCo
In Search of the Golden Skull M-Network
Incredible Hulk Parker Brothers
Intuition Tigervision
Ixion Sega
[edit] K
Games Publisher
Kabobber Activision
Kreuzfeuer Spectravision
Kyphus Apollo
[edit] L
Games Publisher
Lasercade 20th Century Fox
Locomotion M-Network
Lord of the Rings: Journey to Rivendell Parker Brothers
[edit] M
Games Publisher
Mark of the Mole Atari
McDonald's Parker Brothers
Meltdown 20th Century Fox
Miss Piggy's Wedding Atari
Monster Cise Atari
[edit] P
Games Publisher
Peekaboo Atari
Planet of the Apes 20th Century Fox
Pompeii Apollo
[edit] R
Games Publisher
Racer Roklan
Rocky and Bullwinkle M-Network
[edit] S
Games Publisher
Save Mary Atari
Shooting Arcade Atari
Sinistar Atari
Six Pack 20th Century Fox
Sky Patrol Imagic
Snow White Atari
Squoosh Apollo
Star Wars Return Of The Jedi: Ewok Adventure Parker Brothers
Super Crush Tigervision
Surf's Up Amiga
Swordfight M-Network
Swordquest: Airworld Atari
[edit] T
Games Publisher
Tempest Atari
The Entity 20th Century Fox
Thwocker Activision
[edit] V
Games Publisher
Venetian Blinds Demo Activision
[edit] W
Games Publisher
Wizard Atari
[edit] X
Games Publisher
Game Publisher
A Mysterious Thief Vidco
A-Team Atari
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Mystery M-Network
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Treasure of Tarmin M-Network
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons M-Network
Adventures of the Pink Panther Probe 2000
Alligator People 20th Century Fox
Anteater M-Network
Aquaventure Atari
[edit] B
Games Publisher
Bionic Breakthrough Atari
Boggle Atari
Bouncing Baby Bunnies Telesys
[edit] C
Game Publisher
Care Bears Parker Brothers
Cabbage Patch Kids Coleco
[edit] D
Games Publisher
Donald Duck's Speedboat Atari
Dumbo's Flying Circus Atari
[edit] F
Games Publisher
Fall Guy 20th Century Fox
Funky Fish UA Limited
[edit] G
Games Publisher
Garfield Atari
Good Luck, Charlie Brown Atari
Grover's Music Maker Atari
[edit] I
Games Publisher
Immies & Aggies Zimag/Emag/VidCo
In Search of the Golden Skull M-Network
Incredible Hulk Parker Brothers
Intuition Tigervision
Ixion Sega
[edit] K
Games Publisher
Kabobber Activision
Kreuzfeuer Spectravision
Kyphus Apollo
[edit] L
Games Publisher
Lasercade 20th Century Fox
Locomotion M-Network
Lord of the Rings: Journey to Rivendell Parker Brothers
[edit] M
Games Publisher
Mark of the Mole Atari
McDonald's Parker Brothers
Meltdown 20th Century Fox
Miss Piggy's Wedding Atari
Monster Cise Atari
[edit] P
Games Publisher
Peekaboo Atari
Planet of the Apes 20th Century Fox
Pompeii Apollo
[edit] R
Games Publisher
Racer Roklan
Rocky and Bullwinkle M-Network
[edit] S
Games Publisher
Save Mary Atari
Shooting Arcade Atari
Sinistar Atari
Six Pack 20th Century Fox
Sky Patrol Imagic
Snow White Atari
Squoosh Apollo
Star Wars Return Of The Jedi: Ewok Adventure Parker Brothers
Super Crush Tigervision
Surf's Up Amiga
Swordfight M-Network
Swordquest: Airworld Atari
[edit] T
Games Publisher
Tempest Atari
The Entity 20th Century Fox
Thwocker Activision
[edit] V
Games Publisher
Venetian Blinds Demo Activision
[edit] W
Games Publisher
Wizard Atari
[edit] X
Games Publisher