That's a nice assortment there. I have always wondered about those docking stations. From the looks of it, it appears that the directional control would be off by 90° because the stock NES game pad is rotated when you insert it into the docking station. From the picture on that box, if I held the docking station with the two oblong buttons at the top, any side to side stick movement would actually be up and down motion on the TV screen. Am I correct in this assessment?
Wish I could get a good shot of the insides. They designed it so your movements were correct on screen. So even though the pad is turned the joystick responds as if the pad was not turned.
I just played Pac Man. Up was up, Left was left, Right was right, and Down was down.
But you need a good controller. If the d-pad is worn it hinders the joystick from making a good connection.
I have thought about looking into a set. I know I have a lot more Nintendo then other systems but some of the games and controllers are beyond compare.
onthinice wrote:The standard Nes game pad has always been my favorite!
I logged many hours on the stock NES pad, but later found that hand numbness set in, almost like carpal tunnel syndrome. I actually found the dogbones and Quickshot to be contoured better for long game play sessions without the numbness.