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If you had to give up one system

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1If you had to give up one system Empty If you had to give up one system Wed 18 Jul 2012, 7:14 pm



Which one? Could you part with Intellivision or 2600, N64 or PSX? This would be a tough one for me. Even though I have some that hardly get playing time, I know full well I would end up regretting it later on.

2If you had to give up one system Empty Re: If you had to give up one system Wed 18 Jul 2012, 8:22 pm


Star Fighter
Star Fighter

I got rid of my Phillips CDI about ten years ago.

I played Axis & Allies mostly but I needed money and sold it.

I really did not play it much compared to my other systems but I kind of miss having it sitting beside the others!

3If you had to give up one system Empty Re: If you had to give up one system Wed 18 Jul 2012, 9:26 pm



Did you sell it online or locally, as a set, or piece it out?

4If you had to give up one system Empty Re: If you had to give up one system Wed 18 Jul 2012, 11:02 pm


Star Fighter
Star Fighter

I sold it to a friend and he had hard times and sold it. He never told me till much later and I would have bought it back from him.

I only had four games.

But we used to have a Phillips Electronics plant in the next town over. I had a buddy who worked there and you could still order games directly from them. But I was into the 3DO and by the time I wanted to get more CDI games the plant had closed. This was late 90's and early 2000's so I really did not know about buying online.

I thought the PC version of Axis and Allies was better so why keep a system that I probably would never get any more games.

That was a Charlie Brown moment for me. Looking back I think boy was I a Blockhead or what?

5If you had to give up one system Empty Re: If you had to give up one system Thu 19 Jul 2012, 1:16 am



I can't even say what I would give up. I really like all the consoles that I have. I guess the only one might be the 5200 because it is the one with the smallest collection of games; however, several of those games are ports unique to the 5200. Tough question! Can I choose none? LOL

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