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Atari 2600 Sears Tele-Games Console

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1Atari 2600 Sears Tele-Games Console Empty Atari 2600 Sears Tele-Games Console Thu 19 Jan 2012, 5:55 pm



Atari Inc. also continued their OEM relationship with Sears under the latter's Tele-Games brand label, which started in 1975 with the original Pong. Sears released several versions of the 2600 as the Sears Video Arcade series from 1977 to 1983. These include the Rev. A "Heavy Sixer" model in 1977, the Rev. B "4 switch" model in 1980, and the US version of the Atari 2800 branded as the Sears Video Arcade II in 1983.[14]

Sears also released their own versions of Atari Inc.'s games under the Tele-Games brand — often with different titles[15] — which included the Tele-Games branded variations of text and picture labels. Three games were also produced by Atari Inc. for Sears as exclusive releases under the Tele-Games brand: Steeplechase, Stellar Track, and Submarine Commander.[15]

Sears' Tele-Games brand was unrelated to the company Telegames, which also produced cartridges for the Atari 2600 — mostly re-issues of M-Network games.

2Atari 2600 Sears Tele-Games Console Empty Re: Atari 2600 Sears Tele-Games Console Fri 14 Dec 2012, 10:09 pm



My first game console was a Sears 4-switch model. The knotty woodgrain was so nice.

I have wondered, though, how one retail chain (Sears) held such sway as to demand and receive embellishment through manufacturers of that day. Look at Kenmore appliances and realize Atari was not the only company coerced. it is akin to Wal-Mart demanding that Sony sell a store brand PS3 console. Sounds pretty ridiculous these days, if you think about it. I am guessing Sony would tell them to stick it.

3Atari 2600 Sears Tele-Games Console Empty Re: Atari 2600 Sears Tele-Games Console Thu 20 Dec 2012, 1:37 pm


Star Fighter
Star Fighter

It is crazy now. My only guess would be the reach Sears had back then with their catalog business. Now the internet has allowed all that same reach.

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