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King of Kong

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1King of Kong Empty King of Kong Mon 14 May 2012, 11:44 am



Did you ever see this documentary? It is quite interesting, and leaves me rooting for Steve Weibe, not Billy Mitchell. This movie actually made me wish I had a DK arcade cabinet at home. After seeing the movie on a satellite channel, I actually picked up the DVD at a Blockbuster that was going out of business. Strangely, I have not ever watched it again since I bought the disc version.

Did anybody else enjoy this movie and its ability to bring back arcade memories form the 80's?

2King of Kong Empty Re: King of Kong Tue 10 Jul 2012, 9:07 pm


Star Fighter
Star Fighter

Yes! Very much!

When they went into Steve Weibe's garage to check his machine when he was not home. I thought I hope he wipes Billy Mitchell's score off the books.

3King of Kong Empty Re: King of Kong Wed 11 Jul 2012, 10:14 pm



I think that Mitchell ended up regaining the record after that movie came out, and last I heard, some Japanese guy is the current DK world record holder. I was never that good at the arcade DK, but remember playing VCS Kong for hours once I got "into the zone".

4King of Kong Empty Re: King of Kong Wed 11 Jul 2012, 10:40 pm


Star Fighter
Star Fighter

Same here my quarters never lasted very long on Donkey Kong or Donkey Kong Junior.

As a kid I had King Kong first and then later Donkey Kong for the 2600 so it didn't seem like a bad game when I finally played it for the first time.

I mean it had two screens which I thought was really cool.

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