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Alternative Controllers for N64

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1Alternative Controllers for N64 Empty Alternative Controllers for N64 Mon 16 Apr 2012, 8:27 am



Anyone with experience with 3rd party N64 controllers?

I have seen something called Hori Mini controllers that were only released in Japan that look awesome. Main problem is that they go for so much on ebay lately.

The issue I have with stock N64 controllers is the trident design, forcing players to move their left hand from left to middle locations, sometimes within a gaming session. Talk about things that crash your game.

The Interact Super Pad 64 Plus controllers are an option that does not require switching hand positions in-game, but they are not symmetric in shape. This is where the Hori Mini Pads are nice. I believe they should have been the stock N64 controllers from the outset.

Any thoughts?

2Alternative Controllers for N64 Empty Re: Alternative Controllers for N64 Wed 11 Jul 2012, 12:56 pm


Star Fighter
Star Fighter

No always had the Nintendo controllers. But I do have the Interact Steering Wheel and it does the job very nicely. I have several old GamePro's around and I remember one had a feature on several controllers including the N64. I look it up and see what it says.

3Alternative Controllers for N64 Empty Re: Alternative Controllers for N64 Wed 11 Jul 2012, 1:52 pm


Star Fighter
Star Fighter

Found the article in the Dec '98 issue of GamePro.

As you mentioned sloan the SuperPad64 and another interact controller the MakoPad 64 that both look similar.

The test winners were the not surprising N64 stock controller and the Advanced Control Pad made by High Frequency/Toys 'R' Us house brand.

Anyone else have some thoughts?

4Alternative Controllers for N64 Empty Re: Alternative Controllers for N64 Wed 11 Jul 2012, 9:59 pm



I recently paid $59 for a Hori Mini from Japan. A lot for a controller, but it is worth it. Sweet to play N64 games without moving the left hand to different positions.

I have the racing wheel as well and it is awesome for games like Formula 1 and Cruisin USA.

5Alternative Controllers for N64 Empty Re: Alternative Controllers for N64 Wed 11 Jul 2012, 10:45 pm


Star Fighter
Star Fighter

I really enjoy the N64 so that sounds reasonable for a good controller. Thank you for the information. Might be awhile but I will have to look into getting one.

Cruisin series is the best. I wondered about Formula 1 are there any other good racing titles to look for?

6Alternative Controllers for N64 Empty Re: Alternative Controllers for N64 Thu 12 Jul 2012, 8:08 pm



N64 is the racing system for that generation, with PSX a close second.

Beetle Adventure Racing
Cruisin USA
Cruisin World
Cruisin Exotica
Mickey's Speedway
Mario Kart 64
Ridge Racer 64
F-1 World Grand Prix
Diddy Kong Racing
Rally Challenge 2000

The list goes on and on.

7Alternative Controllers for N64 Empty Re: Alternative Controllers for N64 Fri 13 Jul 2012, 10:42 am


Star Fighter
Star Fighter

Thanks sloan!

When I bought my N64 I picked up a copy Diddy Kong Racing and I think that is a really good title. Excitebike is also very impressive.

Are the Top Gear games any good?

8Alternative Controllers for N64 Empty Re: Alternative Controllers for N64 Fri 13 Jul 2012, 8:04 pm



I am more of a collector than a player these days. I have one or two of the Top Gear games, but don't know that I have even played them. Maybe I will give them a spin and report back.

Racing games are my favorite genre, so I usually like most of them regardless of how others perceive them.

9Alternative Controllers for N64 Empty Re: Alternative Controllers for N64 Fri 13 Jul 2012, 11:57 pm


Star Fighter
Star Fighter

That is cool! Take your time.

I still like Nascar '99 on the 64. I think that was probably the most balanced Nascar game I have played.

So I have been curious what other racers are good for the N64?

10Alternative Controllers for N64 Empty Re: Alternative Controllers for N64 Sat 14 Jul 2012, 11:37 am



I have to say that I was originally in awe of PSX and Ridge Racer. When I first played that with my son, it was pure racing goodness. Ridge Racer 64 brings that goodness to N64, thankfully.

I previously mentioned Beetle Adventure Racing. That game is under-rated and a must have for lovers of the racing genre on N64. By the title, you can tell that all you get to race are VW Beetles, but the tracks and scenery are top notch.

11Alternative Controllers for N64 Empty Re: Alternative Controllers for N64 Sat 14 Jul 2012, 12:17 pm


Star Fighter
Star Fighter

VW Beetles bring back the memories. When I was a kid my dad had one. Always thought back then it was funny that it was empty under the hood and the motor was in the trunk.

Ridge Racer 64 sounds good!

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