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PS1 vs PS2 vs PS3

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1PS1 vs PS2 vs PS3 Empty PS1 vs PS2 vs PS3 Sat 31 Mar 2012, 1:09 pm



In your opinion, is PS3 automatically the better system, with PS2 being 2nd and PS1 being 3rd? PS1 has an extensive library for sure, and I see some on other gaming forums who automatically write it off because of triangulated graphics. Despite that, I probably play PS1 over PS2 on a 2:1 ratio. I don't own PS3, but haven't seen anything in the stores that screams "gotta have" for that console.

2PS1 vs PS2 vs PS3 Empty Re: PS1 vs PS2 vs PS3 Sun 01 Apr 2012, 10:41 pm



You know what is weird?

I have more PS2 games than PS3. I have almost all of the classic game compilations for PS2. Cool

3PS1 vs PS2 vs PS3 Empty Re: PS1 vs PS2 vs PS3 Mon 02 Apr 2012, 2:10 pm



Its not weird having more PS2 than PS3 games. Just depends on which system there were more games you felt compelled to buy. As I said, I haven't seen any current gen games in the stores that scream "must have", so no need to buy for me, plus I have so many classic systems and games I can never play them all anyway.

But to the Sony systems: Graphics do not automatically a good game make. There are some highly enjoyable games on PS1 that get overlooked due to graphics alone and that is unfair.

4PS1 vs PS2 vs PS3 Empty Re: PS1 vs PS2 vs PS3 Tue 15 May 2012, 8:32 pm



Interesting discussion. I never really upgraded from the PS1. I've got an extensive library of games and I'm happy with them. We have a Wii, but it has gotten little play time. I'm not really that gung-ho about playing games via the internet. I think a PS2 might be worthwhile as a sit on your butt non-internet video game system. Plus, with the economy being the way it is, it'll be a long time before I pay for a $50 game again.

5PS1 vs PS2 vs PS3 Empty Re: PS1 vs PS2 vs PS3 Tue 15 May 2012, 9:33 pm



The funny thing is that I never intended to collect for PS1. It just happened. I saw so many good looking PS1 games at Goodwill stores for $1-$3 each that I just couldn't pass them up. I now have about 600 PS1 titles.

PS2 is actually a good system to collect for at present because so many good games can be found for cheap. I just went to Goodwill today and got three PS2 games for $4 each. I am sure that will not continue indefinitely, so take advantage while you can.

I never say never, but probably won't ever own Wii/360/PS3 generation systems unless they show up at thrifts for dirt cheap in the future.

6PS1 vs PS2 vs PS3 Empty Re: PS1 vs PS2 vs PS3 Tue 10 Jul 2012, 9:02 pm


Star Fighter
Star Fighter

I do not have a PS3. I like the PS1 better than the PS2. Wow sloan! That is alot of PS1 titles!

7PS1 vs PS2 vs PS3 Empty Re: PS1 vs PS2 vs PS3 Wed 11 Jul 2012, 10:08 pm



Y, but not many when you consider something like 2,200 total released games for PS1. As a rule, I never pay more than $3 for a PS1 game. Just lots of good charity thrifts in my area, I guess.

8PS1 vs PS2 vs PS3 Empty Re: PS1 vs PS2 vs PS3 Wed 11 Jul 2012, 10:49 pm


Star Fighter
Star Fighter

I have a friend who collects like that but he always says "I do not buy sports titles". Which is a shame because the PS one has some really good sport titles.

9PS1 vs PS2 vs PS3 Empty Re: PS1 vs PS2 vs PS3 Fri 24 Aug 2012, 10:21 pm



My favorite PSX sports games are the early NFL Gameday titles, before 989 took over. The play selection menu is better than Madden, and the games overall just have a quicker, more crisp feel to the on-screen action.

10PS1 vs PS2 vs PS3 Empty Re: PS1 vs PS2 vs PS3 Sat 25 Aug 2012, 1:37 am


Star Fighter
Star Fighter

What are some of your favorite sports years sloan?

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